The future of Chinese strip packaging machinery in the industry will occupy an important position

Despite the unprecedented number of manufacturers in the strip-like packaging industry, it still can not meet the global demand, and the demand for packaging machinery is growing at a rapid rate every year in the world. It is well known that the United States is the largest in the world Of the packaging equipment manufacturers, in which the German packaging machinery, whether in the measurement of manufacturing or technical performance are world-class equipment.But according to the survey data show that these world-class packaging equipment, the country's production speed is not as good as in the development National and regional growth rate. This may be in the packaging machinery needs such a large market, China's packaging machinery a little advantage.


In the absence of packaging technology and packaging personnel under the conditions of China's packaging machinery can achieve such a big achievement, it is not easy. The future of China's packaging industry's goal should be to produce small multi-purpose equipment, and in the production process dare to innovate, gradually Change China's packaging machinery on the country's dependence on the status of foreign equipment to achieve our own innovative packaging equipment to enhance the future competitiveness of the international market.I believe that the near future, China Packaging Machinery in the world packaging industry occupies an important position.

