Training packaging talent to become the development of strip packaging machine industry key

We all know that the 21st century is the most lack of talent, all walks of life need talent, and packaging machinery industry is particularly lacking talent. We have to apply advanced technology to the packaging machinery industry, can not do without packaging talent, in order to cultivate more packaging talent can not be separated from packaging education. Now is the era of knowledge economy, talent is the carrier of knowledge, left the talent, technology will not be developed, any industry can not get a good development.


China's packaging machinery to imitate a serious style, backward technology, and China's packaging talent lack of a great relationship. Modern science and technology has developed rapidly, and how to apply these technologies to the packaging industry has become the key to the development of packaging machinery. China in order to improve the international competitiveness of the packaging industry, it is necessary to transform the traditional packaging manufacturing industry, and these do not leave the packaging talent. Packaging personnel training is inseparable from the education, only to develop packaging education, in order to cultivate the industry's high-tech talent, in order to achieve the sustainable development of packaging machinery industry.

At present, China's packaging machinery professional relative to other disciplines in terms of weak scientific research base, and with this professional institutions of higher learning are not many. Therefore, packaging education is the development of China's packaging industry's top priority.

