The development of the strip packing machine industry is inseparable from the application of packaging machinery

The technical level of our strip-like packaging machinery from the overall look at the advanced countries, the overall level of branches to see 20 years behind, professional packaging machine manufacturers in the product development, performance, quality, reliability, service and other aspects of competition at a disadvantage. Recommendations on the product structure, should be market-oriented, change the current low-tech-based, low level of competition, the elimination of a number of inefficient high consumption, low-grade low value-added, labor-intensive products, efforts Development and production of high efficiency and low consumption, production and marketing of large complete sets of equipment and high-tech products.

The advantages of automatic balers, cartons hit out with a beautiful and solid, very fast, improve the efficiency of the package workers. While reducing waste, it also saves costs. Various types of automatic balers are suitable for conventional object packs, bulky, heavy object balers, liquid powder falling objects packaged, especially wide items and pressurized packing.


Automatic baler technical description:

1. The use of high-quality material of the pulley to effectively solve the ordinary plastic belt pulley wear and PP belt with the problem.

2. The use of a high hardness of 65 blade, greatly improving the ability of the cut and the blade life

3. The use of resin casters, more convenient mechanical movement, in the long time under the weight of the casters will not be deformed

4. The use of aluminum alloy frame, the body shell with a combination of composition, carton baler according to the size of the package to determine the size of the bow frame.

5. All components are machined with NC machining equipment for precision machining. Automatic baler parts of the solid resistance and connection action of the unity have been well protected. More packer instructions See other series.

Automatic baler (charging baler) principle and characteristics: the use of brand Da Baoji technology, is designed to machine dual circuit control, than the previous single-circuit control performance more stable and reliable, dual circuit control makes the machine board internal load reduction, The baler structure runs more smoothly between each circuit. We as a packer manufacturer, the performance is more superior, more reliable quality, inspection and debugging easier and easy to return with the first use of photoelectric control. The working principle of the automatic baler is through the tightening, heat capacity, cutting, bonding to complete the package. Professional packaging machine factory production of a wide range, regardless of the size of packaging, do not adjust the machine can be packaged, packaging packer is a mechanical structure, part of the use of imported balers parts, after the blade stable and reliable, easy adjustment,

In the reflection of China's packaging machinery industry, how to "break through the siege, innovation and development" at the same time, we should call the relevant specialized industry (such as mechanical processing, spare parts, etc.) continue to improve and give the packaging machinery industry greater support. The only way to make the industry chain of healthy development, to produce high-precision, professional large-scale complete sets of production lines to meet the future of China and the world's huge demand for packaging machinery. China's packaging machinery started late, after 20 years of development, China's packaging machinery has become one of the top ten industries in the machinery industry for the rapid development of China's packaging industry to provide an effective protection, and some packaging machinery to fill the gaps, has been basic To meet the needs of the domestic market, some products are exported.

