Whether Chinas vertical packaging machinery can open the US market

Today, China is in a process of accelerated development, as a free and open market, the United States has been the door of the Chinese pharmaceutical packaging business open, and scientific development also said that China's pharmaceutical machinery and equipment to keep updating and improve to get out China, to the world, and the problem lies in our pharmaceutical packaging business in what way to go out in order to be successful?

China's vertical packaging machinery can open the US market, on the one hand with the Chinese packaging machinery technology level, on the other hand with the US packaging machinery market shape.

It is understood that the current US pharmaceutical packaging machinery manufacturers "polarization" phenomenon is obvious. To test the test, coding device as the representative of the small and exquisite electronic products in the United States has been thriving; and to shrink the packaging machine, wrapping machine and sealing machine-based general-purpose packaging machinery also occupies a considerable proportion; to fill Machine, labeling machine, capping machine-based large-scale packaging machinery production line, the United States has basically no production, the market is almost all imported equipment, especially Germany, Italy manufacturers of equipment occupied.


China's pharmaceutical packaging machinery manufacturing level and industrial design level through imitation, the introduction of technology and capital and global procurement, etc. to the rapid development. Today, China's packaging machinery manufacturing enterprises are easy to obtain some key components through the global procurement, which quickly improve the technical level of equipment and reliability.

If the Chinese-made pharmaceutical machinery can not compete with the German, Italian and Japanese products, then in some low-tech products, the current China Production of many packaging machinery, has been able to meet the requirements of the US market, and most likely in the short term to achieve a breakthrough.

